
Atlanta Divorce Lawyer

Child Custody Attorney

The outcome of a divorce can have a significant impact on your financial security and your custody rights. If you are thinking about divorce or have been served with a divorce petition, protect your rights by retaining an experienced divorce lawyer.

At The Martin Law Group, we vigorously defend the parental and financial rights of clients going through a contested divorce or uncontested divorce. We adeptly handle all issues that may arise in your divorce proceeding, including:

  • Property division
  • Child custody and visitation
  • Child support
  • Spousal support (alimony)
  • Domestic violence

You do not have to go through your divorce alone. We are pleased to offer experienced and compassionate representation on behalf of clients throughout Atlanta and the surrounding areas. If you need to speak with an experienced Atlanta divorce attorney, contact The Martin Law Group at 404-248-4898.

Experience Matters
As with any other profession, experience makes a difference in the practice of law. Attorney Yolvondra Martin-Brown is an experienced divorce lawyer with more than 25 years of legal experience. As an experienced negotiator and trial lawyer, she can ensure that your parental and financial rights are protected.

Clients Come First
At The Martin Law Group, everything we do is with one goal in mind: to serve the client. We work diligently to resolve all disputed matters as efficiently and effectively as possible. As a result of our proactive approach to dispute resolution, we are often able to help clients effectively resolve all disputed matters in their divorce without protracted litigation. When a dispute may not be resolved by negotiation or mediation, we are always meticulously prepared to advocate on behalf of our clients at trial.

Contact an Atlanta Divorce Attorney
To speak with an experienced family law attorney, contact The Martin Law Group in Atlanta, Georgia. To schedule your free consultation, call 404-248-4898or contact us by e-mail at client@themartinlawgroup.com.

Contact Us

3355 Lenox Road, Suite 750, NE Atlanta, GA 30326

